
The new standard for modern planers

Meticulous design, breathtaking speed and opinionated yet flexible workflows, Bioplan unlocks your team’s full potential. It is the tool of choice for high-performance teams to plan better.

Easy interface

Web based solution easily available from any location. Modern, visual and intuitive user interface simplifies comparison and supports flow and efficiency.
Drag and drop
harvests to day task stack
Version History
Keep track of your team’s progress
Harvest recommendations
with your inventory
Compare plans and scenarios
to better understand forecasts
planning timelines
One click sync
with your inventory
AI-powered models
that maximiaze your plan
Connect from anywhere with any device.
Web application in a cloud.
Quick onboarding
Sign up in one day, and run your first optimizations.
API & Webhooks
Full access to your data and subscribe to updates
Real-time chat support
built in the tool
Fast & Responsive
Full access to your data and subscribe to updates

AI-powered optimization

Web based solution easily available from any location. Modern, visual and intuitive user interface simplify comparison and supports flow and efficiency.
Analytical Reporting
Take the guesswork out of product planning.
Simple Interface
on biomass over 150 cages. Less is better.
Compare Plans
to find the optimal scenario.
Fastest Optimization Time
on the market.
Sales & Harvest Demands
Price modelling and demands.
Concession allocation
Automatically get the optimized allocation of your concessions.
productivity stack with wide range of third-party integrations
No managing
Concession violation warnings
on biomass over 150 cages. Less is better.

Security and privacy

Built with best-in-class security practices to keep your work safe and secure at every layer. This includes state-of-the-art encryption, safe and reliable infrastructure partners, and independently verified security controls.
Safe and secure built with best-in-class
security practices to keep your work safe
Identity Management multiple options
to restrict login methods for added security
Privacy forces HTTPS on all connections
and encrypts data in-transit with TLS 1.2